THE BAND is a Supergroup that consists of stars, meaning members of real or imaginary bands and collectives. THE BAND is known for its uncompromising breachings of energy and genre lines. THE BAND always re-emerges for the purpose of rehearsing and it never performs publicly. Both the artists and the audience members take part in the formation of the Supergroup by representing their band – a real or fictitious one. In each performance a different version of THE BAND is created. THE BAND was performed at URB 18 -festival by Kiasma Theatre in The Cable Factory, Helsinki.
Bändi / The Band

The rehearsal space of THE BAND is a utopian space that filters the beauty and the crises of the human age. The rehearsal is a ritual that moves along the fourth dimension between collectivity, intimacy, birth, the human and non-human.
Concept and realisation:
Mikko Niemistö ja Johannes Vartola
Production: Kiasma -teatteri / URB 18 -festivaali,
Mikko Niemistö ja Johannes Vartola
Supported by The Finnish Cultural Foundation: Uusimaa Regional Fund and City of Helsinki Cultural Office
Photos: Kansallisgalleria / Sonja Hyytiäinen