YOYO – You Are On Your Own


YOYO – You are On Your Own by onemorequestion is an odd, disturbing and funny performance that introduces you to a number of negative future scenarios and gives you strategies to enhance your chances of surviving any catastrophe. YOYO takes the individual’s will “to be prepared” to its extreme and playfully reflects on the relationships between fear, agency, future perspectives and today’s economy.


“The performance concept is powerful. It blurs the borders between
the performance situation and reality in an engaging way … the Finnish- Austrian collective that created the performance is a definitely interesting new acquaintance.“

– Marja Silde, Teatteri & tanssi 5/2014


“You might really feel at ease here, in this ambience, if you didn’t constantly hear the admonishing voice from the off that reminds us about past and upcoming catastrophes. The hour that we spend in the rugged and cold basement whose walls get decorated through curious fresco-like memory videos, lives from Mikko Niemistö’s mischievous performance. He furnishes the vaulted crypt carefully and leisurely, like a prudish housewife, reflects on the performance situation and gives friendly glances at the audience, thereby wrapping the surreal catastrophe scenario in soft irony.”

– Ditta Rudle, tanz.at, 03.02.2015


Artistic director, concept: Joonas Lahtinen 
Performance, concept: Mikko Niemistö
Set and lighting design, concept: Eero Erkamo 
Production management, dramaturgy: Luzie Stransky 
Sound technics: Andreas Wiesbauer

Premiered 2 August 2014 at URB 14 Festival/Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki. Performed 3–7 February 2015 at brut Wien and 24 October 2015 at HomeFest, Bucharest
Supported by Vienna Municipal Department 7 for Cultural Affairs, ESKUS Performance Center Helsinki and the Austrian Embassy Helsinki.


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